Monday, July 12, 2010

Nord Nord Electro 2 Keyboard 73 Key Keyboard This instant

Ok this simple little thing that does only piano and organ is on the verge of overtaking the (now-vintage) Yamaha EX-5 as my favorite all time keyboards I've owned. Here's my story:

I am a synth player that does piano and organ mostly on my own prog rock. Well I morphed into a prog rock band (you know how that happens) and the guitar player morphed into familyhood (you know how that happens, too)... so here's the synth player left with no guitar to bounce off of.


Never fear the Nord Electro 2 saves the day. Give it a couple days you'll know what it's capable of. Give it a month you'll be confident in it. Use it in high-stress-tests and you'll mind meld with it. It JUST does piano and organ, huh? Yeah right. Ok dial up a nice electric piano and punch your first effect to ring mod, turn on the distortion about 30%, drop it down an octave, get to know that low F down there ... hold the sustain and get all the F's going and maybe some intervals for fun in the upper ... then set the rate knob on the ring mod all the way up and turn it on ... turn the knob down slowly over 2-3 second. Oh yeah ... yeah you heard that didn't you? That's no piano sound that's old school FX and it sounds so sweet ... you were trying to get that with portamento and it never worked. See? That's what you're missing.

Seriously this thing is my pulse. I breathe it. I really don't know what else to say if you are looking for piano and organ that's completely organic and open and intuitive this is it.

Oh yeah it does drawbars too and the organ ... well ok

You'll want an EV-5 pedal for organ swell
A sustain pedal
MAYBE a switch for the leslie, but I have one I don't use it
and a reverb pedal, I recommend the Digitech/Lexicon guitar pedal thingy
It does NOT have built in FX such as reverb ... relax you don't need it. Better that be outside.

This was not a technical review, this is a player review. If you want specs ignore me. I just love the damn thing, all I can really say. I break out in a sweat playing this thing it's just so fun and gets me so animated.

Get more detail about Nord Nord Electro 2 Keyboard 73 Key Keyboard.

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