Thursday, July 8, 2010

Order Casio PX-400R Privia Digital Piano with 88 Full-Size Keys and Grand Piano Touch (Stand Included)

I'm going to agree whole-heartedly with the fella with "50 years piano/organ" experience who praised this board. For the record, I own the Casio Privia PX-555R, which I got for a GREAT price on a close-out, complete with stand and all, from a local store.

I cannot speak for other, or even "similar" models....but this one the Privia PX-555R is EXCELLENT as a practice / idea-generator / small gig board. I would not necessarily recommend this as a pro board for any occasion because the variety of sounds is not up to standards, imo, and also, the real beauty here is the wonderful live tone and presence it offers with its own speakers. These speakers, however, are not sufficient for large rooms or crowded, noisy events. They are too small and do not point outward for better projection.

Now, having said that, I will say that for small, intimate gatherings, practicing, or even laying down idea tracks...this board is GREAT. imo, this "Stereo Piano" patch (when played live with the onboard speakers) does not take a back seat to many other digital pianos out there. Not only is the feel of the keys near perfect, but the sound of this particular piano patch is WONDERFUL...crisp and clear, yet rich and full, without any annoying overtones, fake-sustain envelope issues, etc... It has UNREAL tone and action at any price point.

I say MAJOR KUDOS to Casio for this board....the Stereo Piano patch in particular. I have played MANY intimate gigs with it.....small locales only...and it has been an inspiration every time. For louder or larger events, my Kurzweil PC2X and a set of JBL speakers is still the way to go.



angelsplayground dot comGet more detail about Casio PX-400R Privia Digital Piano with 88 Full-Size Keys and Grand Piano Touch (Stand Included).

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